
28.4.2023 Cinema Fondazione Prada mette a disposizione alcuni biglietti gratuiti per la proiezione di “Zama” di Lucrecia Martel

Cinema Fondazione Prada is offering some free tickets for the screening of Lucrecia Martel's 'Zama' (Friday, 28 April, 7.30 pm), followed by a meeting with the director.
Interested students and teachers can register for free at this link: https://platform.eventboost.com/e/zama-lucrecia-martel/35048/

A transposition of Antonio di Benedetto's 1956 novel of the same name, "Zama", offers a reinterpretation of a classic of Argentine literature to recount colonialism in South America and reflect on the implications of its impact on local populations. It was produced by Pedro Almodóvar, screened at the 2017 Venice Film Festival and was nominated in 2018 for the Goya Award for Best Foreign Language Film in Spanish.

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