
12.4.2023 Opening event: Guido Crepax, Architetto del Fumetto

The exhibition will be open to the public from 13 April to 23 May 2023

Guido Crepax, architect of comics
Free escapes and rigorous set designs by a meticulous builder of dreams.

Wednesday 12 April, 6 pm.

Building 13 (Clover)
Leonardo Campus
Via Bonardi, 9 Milan

Federico Bucci, Archival, Library and Museum System Delegate
Antonio, Caterina and Giacomo Crepax, curators of the exhibition

The exhibition celebrates the 90th birthday of Guido Crepax, an internationally renowned artist and trained architect.

Milan, Architecture, Fashion and Design, Innovation: four thematic areas developed through images that narrate his world and that compose four open and decomposed geometric structures, a large-scale recall of his comic strips. A representation of his graphic revolution and the vital link between architectural and imaginative space.

For more information and registration for the opening:
Opening event: Guido Crepax, Architetto del Fumetto - Eventi del Politecnico di Milano (polimi.it)

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