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Study Courses Councils

Each Study Course Council (CCS) brings together the teaching staff or teaching modules provided in the study course and a number of elected student representatives.


Courses of study with the same or similar names establish a single Course Council. Each Course Council is chaired by a Co-ordinator, elected from among the faculty members of the Council itself; the Co-ordinator is supported by one or more Secretaries.

Each Degree Course Council appoints a Quality Assurance (QA) Contact Person. Each Course Council appoints a Review Group, which annually monitors and checks the progress of the Course's activities and plans improvement actions; a Commission is also appointed to assess access to Level II studies. 

Bachelor Degree in Building and Construction Engineering L23 (MI) 

Bachelor Degree in Architectural Design L17 (MI, MN, PC)

Specific Delegations 

Bachelor Degree in Urban Planning: City, Environment & Landscape L21 (MI)

Specific delegations 

Master Degree in Architectural Design History LM4 (MN)

Master Degree in Architectural engineering LM24 (LC)

Master Degree in Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors LM4 (MI)

Specific delegations

Master Degree in Architecture - Building Architecture LM4 (MI)

Master Degree in Architecture and Urban Design LM4 (MI)

Specific delegations

Master Degree in Building Engineering for Sustainability LM24 (MI)

Master Degree in Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage LM3 (MI)

Master Degree in Management of Built Environment LM24 (MI)

Master Degree in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design LM4 (PC)  

Specific delegations

Master Degree in Urban Planning and Policy Design LM48 (MI)  

Single-cycle Master Degree in Building Engineering/Architecture LM4 c.u. (LC)